Monday, 22 April 2013

What happens when you stick a German into a Bible College?

I hate to admit this but I'm trying really hard not to cry right now. Yeah, yeah. I've already heard all the "Germans don't cry" jokes. Whatever. Let's move on.
This weekend has just been such a bitter-sweet time of my life. This year I actually went out of my way and befriended people outside of my program! We all know that counsellors can be a bit like hermits in this aspect so coming back, I was quite sceptical of this promised "fellowship". Mind you, I'm not used to open and welcoming people, but you have all shown me what real and genuine friendship looks like.

There is no other place I can joke about my heritage so much and not feel condemned. There is no other place where I have laughed so hard substances literally flew either out of my mouth or my nose (Sorry about that visual). There is no other place where others call you out on your behavior in a loving and graceful manner. There is no other place that has made me feel so deeply appreciated and welcomed.
Whether that came in the form of coffee dates, homework sessions, cafeteria meals, walks, hanging out around campus, going out for dinner, or having girls in my room to simply chat with.
You know what? We're not perfect. By no means. There will always be friction, hardship, and difficulty in loving others but you all make it worth it.

I am so deeply saddened by everyone who already left or will be leaving shortly for the summer, especially those I won't see again, but I am also beyond excited to be coming back in the fall to begin a new (and my last), crazy year full of challenges, people, and exciting things.
A big thank-you to everyone who has supported me by any means. I really could not have done it without you. God has been 100% faithful in everything He's promised and I know for a fact that He's placed this community here to be a blessing to many others in the future as it has been a blessing to me.

Thank you, faculty. I haven't always been the best or easiest student to work with but the fact that you haven't given up on me assures me that there is hope for others like me in the future. Your heart for these students is so evident and you really do want to see everyone succeed for the kingdom of God.

Thank you, students. You have influenced and inspired me to go after great things. This morning at church it was said that, as long as we only go after good things, we'll never be great. Some of you have encouraged me to go after great things. God things. And you know what? I will! I will because
1. God has created the passion for it in me.
2. You have and always will support me in it.

Not only have I enjoyed the fun & great times here at PLBC, I have also been convicted, challenged, and pushed towards excellence in my walk with God. I am far from perfect but I wouldn't be where I'm at right now, without you.

Ok, so I think I'm repeating myself now and I should probably stop. Thought I might as well write up a blog post instead of creating an obnoxiously long facebook status.
If you've actually read all this, I am proud of you! Put "Funyuns" into the comment box.


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