In class this morning, someone who sat behind me read this little mantra, and addressed me by saying: "Not gonna lie, I saw the word "feminist" and kinda started judging you. But the rest of it is good though." Etc, etc, etc.
I'm sorry feminism offends you. Would someone please enlighten me as to why this is such an offensive word? To be completely honest, in most Christian circles, it really doesn't matter whether you utter the word feminist or the word fuck. Usually, you get about the same kinds of responses: gasps, utterances that vaguely sound like "What did you just say to me?", or simple disbelief paired with shaking of heads.
Someone once asked me whether I believe it's really necessary to call myself a feminist and if everyone else needs to follow that path. Probably not. I mean, honestly, would I cease to be a Christian if I simply stopped calling myself a Christian? No. I could call myself Bob for all I care. It doesn't matter so much what name I give myself but rather what I belief and how I act out those beliefs. BUT! Will I call myself a Christian even though it has garnered a disgusting reputation? Will I call myself a Christian if that means risking to be associated with Westboro Baptist Church? Of course! Because this world needs to get over its fear of names and false associations. I think it was Albus Dumbledore who said: "Always use the proper name for things. Fear of a name increases fear of the thing itself." Now, I am obviously not saying that I'm relating Christians or feminists to Voldemort but I do believe that that statement holds some truth to it. Enough with the fear of names!
I'll probably stop calling myself a feminist at some point.
- When 1 out of every 3 women will no longer have been sexually abused at some point during her life, I will stop calling myself a feminist.
- When women no longer have to fear for their lives when walking home in the dark, I will stop calling myself a feminist.
- When rape culture is a thing of the past, I will stop calling myself a feminist.
- When rape jokes become extinct, I will stop calling myself a feminist.
- When porn, which degrades women and only aids in sex-trafficking, stops becoming a normal part of culture, I will stop calling myself a feminist.
- When victims of rape or physical/sexual abuse are no longer blamed for the action of their perpetrator, I will stop calling myself a feminist.
- When there are no longer an estimated number of 27 million people in this world being trafficked (mostly for sexual purposes), I will stop calling myself a feminist.
- When there are no more "go back to the kitchen and make me a sandwich" jokes, I will stop calling myself a feminist.
- When women in Christian circles are no longer looked down upon because they choose not to become a wife and/or mother, I will call myself a feminist.
- When boys and men stop being told that they're acting like a "pussy" or that they "throw like a girl" because this is offensive to both men and women, I will stop calling myself a feminist.
- When men finally understand that I am not against them but for them, I will stop calling myself a feminist.
- When the world finally recognizes women as people who deserve respect and who work just as hard, when the world stops seeing us women as over-emotional, period-driven, bra-burning, men-hating, creatures, when the world opens its eyes to the potential of every woman on earth, I will stop calling myself a feminist.
Then, and only then, will I stop calling myself a feminist.
Question is: when are you going to start?
Damn. Typing while tired. I meant LIVE NORMAL LIVES. Not leave.