Tuesday, 17 February 2015

Why Giving Up Isn't Enough

Having grown up in a predominantly protestant environment, Lent was never something I had observed. Sure, I saw and recognized the importance of it but at the same time, didn't feel like it would be beneficial to me. This year I thought I would try it and so I have decided to give up my Instagram for 40 days. O, that reminds me. I should probably delete the app.

Okay-- done.

While an app like Instagram has given me an opportunity for a creative of outlet, one that I otherwise do not have seeing as I am not particularly artistic in any other sense, it has also been the source of much discontent, envy, pride, and an unhealthy rush of seeing 'likes' pour in, acting like validation to me. I do not want a little white heart in an orange box to become my main source of affirmation anymore. I can't even blame anyone else for this as I am the sole perpetrator for this unhealthy conditioning regarding my emotions. We all want to be validated in who we are. Some of us have an unhealthy relationship with validation and seek it in all the wrong places, whether that is social media, toxic relationships, porn, or entertainment. Maybe you could consider giving some of this up for Lent and go back to the basics. What does it mean to solely rely on God for comfort? What does it mean for you to receive pure validation from Him and no one else? What would happen if He was enough for you? I am talking to myself as much as I am talking to you. I am probably writing this more so for myself than anyone else.

I have been struggling a lot lately with a lack of community. It isn't the same as a lack of friendships because truth be told, I never lack in. Community is different though. Being in a community means that you get to experience every day life with others. I am finding that I'm spending most days by myself and, to a point, grieve the community I used to have. To say that I need a lot of quality time is an understatement. And while I feel like I am suffering in this, it also feels like God is using it to make it clear to me that I need to need Him more. Community or not, I need to be content in Him.

Which brings me to my next point: Why giving up isn't enough.

Lent is great if you want to give up a habit for disciplinary purposes but you can't give something up without replacing it with something else, otherwise you are left with a void. If you vow to give up coffee for 40 days so you grow in discipline but don't do anything else to deepen your relationship with God, then what good does it do to give up your coffee? If I give up Instagram but don't learn to receive validation from God, then this whole act has no use, because I haven't grown or learned anything.

For myself, Lent is the perfect opportunity to get back into a consistent prayer life, one where I don't use the excuse, which is: "Oh I just talk to God in my head all the time." No. This needs to specific time taken out of the day to spend in solitude with Him. I want Lent to mean something to me and I want to be changed through it. I want to be a completely different person at the end of the 40 days. I want to be more like Jesus.

So, not only am I giving up something, I am also replacing it with a good habit. What are you giving up and what are you going to fill it with?

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