Thursday, 16 May 2013

When Good Intentions Just Aren't Good Enough

This summer was supposed to be full of excitement and good eating habits. Apparently my old-self would have none of it.
I was supposed to be reading breathtaking books, not being able to put them down, walk by the beach when the sun is setting, hang out with people and do things together, go to random events, work full-time, explore more than Surrey's City Center, eat healthy, make amazing dinners, exercise, and spend less time on the internet.

We're halfway through May now and I've done hardly any of those things. I have realized that good intentions just aren't good enough. They won't magically transform into action unless you actively pursue them and go after them like a hungry bear dives into the river for some fish. Uh, weird analogy. Sorry.

I want to truly live this summer. I want to be immersed into God's Word, read exciting books, get together with friends, make new friends, live healthier, take in the world around me as long as I still can, and finally find a steady job that'll allow me to make all these things financially possible. :P

This is the last summer that I have school as a fall-back. Next year I won't have the freedom of going back to my studies. At least not for a long time.

This is the summer I want to fall in love with people again. And no, I don't mean romantically. I want to fall in love with people's souls. I want to see the things that are unique about them and the things that make them tick.
If you're living in the Lower Mainland and want to get together at some point for a coffee or any other kind of beverage, let me know. I'd love to. :)

This has been quite the random post. Thanks for listening.

1 comment:

  1. I blame it on the internet.
    It casts a really lame-ass spell on you and then you can't tear yourself away. You choose youtube videos of giant sharks chomping down on smaller sharks over stepping outside into the beauty of God's creation. Sad.
    Or is it just me?
    I wish my job had absolutely nothing to do with the computer, then I could actually realistically pull off a loooong break from the internet.
    And now of course starting the fundraiser thing on youtube will once again pull me there more...*sigh* i need professional help.
