Tuesday, 14 May 2013

Why the internet sometimes really bothers me.

We all have something to say. Whether we express this through facebook, twitter, tumblr, or our own personal blog like I'm doing right now.
Having said this, we also want to be heard. Why put it out there if there is no intention on drawing attention? Right?

This brings me to the issue I have with the internet and people on here. We can be quite ignorant. Watch a funny meme get posted and it'll have countless of likes within minutes. Everyone's "hahaha"ing and "lol"ing at how hilarious and/or witty that was. Or, if you're a Christian and post something super spiritual that seems like revolutionary thinking, you'll get responses like "AMEN" or "wow" and "I've never thought about it like that!".
Of course I do these same things. And they're not necessarily bad.

The issue: once someone starts talking about issues related to justice or things that would require people, especially Christians to get off their butts and become aware, there is no response. I have watched this over the years. No one cares. And I find this heart-breaking.

My intention with this isn't to judge or to point fingers because God knows I've played the ignorance card all too well, all too often. But what is it about us that makes us so ignorant of other people's pain and injustice? Does no one really care? Do people think this is one big joke? That their lives don't somehow affect ours? Maybe not right now, and maybe not directly, but we as humanity are all affected by each other's actions, views, and ignorance.

I would propose this: Maybe next time you see something on the internet that could challenge your thinking in a certain area or that you don't seem to be comfortable with, or you don't think you'd care about, read it anyway. Watch it anyway. Think about it anyway.

Heck, this whole world would be better off with a little more awareness and compassion, don't you think?

1 comment:

  1. Hell yes and amen (is it ok to put those 2 into the same sentence....? hmmm.....).
    I am sick and tired of people being self-absorbed - especially Christians. And of course, I can be painfully self-absorbed. But it truly doesn't seem to be an accidental overlooking of these issues once in a while, which is understandable, but just a constant, comfortable decision to be and to remain ignorant.
    How disheartening....and gross...."Why aren't His arms reaching?
    Why aren't His hands healing?
    Why aren't His words teaching?
    And if we are the body
    Why aren't His feet going?
    Why is His love not showing them there is a way?" and not only that....get a freakin' heart, people.
