Sunday, 29 December 2013

Hold Off On That Gym Membership

We're at the point again where no one can believe that another year has gone by. Another 12 months just dust in the wind. Another (almost) 365 days washed away by the tides of time. We are also at a point where the internet explodes with individuals' reflections of their past year, their thoughts on the new year, regrets, memories, likes, dislikes, and promises for the upcoming year. What is it about the earth's annual journey around the sun that can catapult people into such deep reflections? What is it that makes people put up promises for the next 12 months that they're only going to keep for a few days or weeks?

People need growth. People crave growth. We die without growth. While being stationary can be comfortable for a moment, it is also dangerous. Imagine - for a second - a baby in the womb, about to be born. Would it like to stay in the warm, watery womb forever? Of course. It is warm and comfortable in there, as opposed to the outside world, which is cold, scary, and full of uncertainty. But what would happen if that baby stayed in the womb? It would die.

And so it is with us. If we don't change, if we don't grow, and if we don't move forward, we are going to die. This death, of course, looks different to everyone. And I think people know this. It's instilled in us. Just like the birds know to fly south for the winter and the newly hatched turtle babies know to race from the beach to the water, people have this instinct to change and to grow.

But the real question is: Why are so many unsuccessful in keeping up with new changes? We buy a gym membership and don't use it for 11 months out of the year. We buy a healthy cookbook, only to have it collect dust throughout the year. We promise to work harder only to get exhausted faster.

I think it's because people have an unrealistic expectation of growth. We like to think of ourselves as so strong-willed and disciplined. We think our character is so great and that we can withstand even the greatest temptations. I hate to break it to you but we can't. We are not strong-willed. We are not disciplined. Our characters aren't that great. And we cannot withstand even the slightest temptations.

But you know who can?


I believe often times we mistakingly shift our focus on the aspects of growth rather than the one we are supposed to grow into.
You want to lose those 50 pounds? Great! You want to start being smart about money? Awesome! Those are all very good good things that you can do (and maybe should do), but more importantly, every year should be a year that is dedicated to becoming more like Him.

Love more. Love harder. Love ferociously. Love unconditionally.
Forgive. Let go. Be filled with His Spirit to the point where it spills out everywhere. Be filled with His Spirit so much that it engulfs the people around you and touches every life that you touch.

Is it going to be easy? Not at all. Will we mess up? Most definitely. But a good friend of mine told me there's grace for that.

Last year I started just having one key word for my year. This past year it was "grace". Grace in abundance. This coming year my word is going to be "Spirit". In the end, it all boils down to His Spirit working in us and that is precisely what I want.

What do you want?


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