Friday, 3 January 2014

Inspire Me

Inspiration always comes unexpectedly. We try to hang onto it for dear life, fearing that it leaves as quickly as it comes. We never know when the next dose of inspiration will fill our senses.

What I love about the concept of inspiration is that it is so deeply personal and individual. Every soul gets inspired by different people, things, and places.

I get inspired by watching people grow. I see people and their potential. I try not to see them in their current state but rather how the Father sees them. I envision their growth and get so excited when they are being challenged and forced to move. It makes my heart leap.

Tonight I watched The Secret Life of Walter Mitty. In this movie, he ends up travelling all over the place. He was a guy that never took chances in his life and therefore created his own little scenarios in his head aka he zoned out a lot. Eventually he is forced to move around in real life. But in the end, it wasn't the places that inspired me. It wasn't seeing the landscapes and people and breathtaking nature that inspired me, even though they were absolutely wonderful to look at.
In the end, what inspired me was the fact that he grew inside. He discovered more about himself and took back some things that time and conformity had stolen from him.

By watching other people grow, it inspires me to grow as well. In inspires me to conform more to Christ; to conform more to the very embodiment of inspiration, beauty, and love that he is.

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