Saturday 14 September 2013

I don't deserve it.

This isn't some long-winded post about an issue I am passionate about but rather a solemn realization that the past weeks have shown me how loved I really am.
I am, by no means, popular in any way and this blog definitely does not get the viewership I initially anticipated but those who do care about me show me so in various ways.

Just as I am continuously overwhelmed by the love and grace of God, I am also continuously overwhelmed by the love and care others show me. Whether you are a friend or mentor, you have enriched my life immeasurably.
Whether you've been in my life for years or merely for weeks, thank you!

I am thoroughly convinced that if it hadn't been for God sending you into my life, I would be a mess. It's because you're a vessel of God's truth in my life that affirms in me the idea of being ok the way I am. That I am loved. That I don't have to live up to some kind of societal status and pressure of being successful but that the true measure of success in my life is how much I have grown into the character of Jesus. And it's individuals like you who encourage me to achieve exactly that.

There is no way to repay you for this immense gift except for the fact that I want to always be an encourager in your life as well.


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